Le Maschere della Commedia dell'Arte
This book celebrates masked Commedia dell'Arte characters in a unique binding. The sextuple accordion structure, which reflects the diamond pattern inthe Harlequin’s costume, can be bent and manipulated into various positions to group the stock theatrical characters into miniature “plays”, viewable through the colorful framing prosceniums. This book was created at the Scuola Internazionale di Grafica in Venice, Italy. Historic images by Maurice Sand were printed digitally in wax ink, then transferred onto Modigliani paper. Text was set in Mrs. Eaves and printed digitally. Pages were watercolor painted and sewn into a sextuple accordion, housed in a clamshell box with a guide to the Commedia characters. 2010 21/2" x 9 1/2" x 13/4" Unique book